Cost Recovery Program - Our letter to the Natural and Non-Prescription Health Products DirectorateCette lettre est disponible en anglais seulement August 7, 2023 Mrs. Natalie Page Director general Natural and Non-Prescription Health...
Déclaration sur l'épidémie de Coronavirus et l'homéopathieEn cette période de pandémie à Covid-19, les membres de l’Association homéopathique canadienne, regroupant les homéopathes règlementés de...
Statement on the Coronavirus Epidemic and HomeopathyDuring the current Covid-19 viral epidemic, members of the Canadian Homeopathic Association, comprising regulated professionals from...
TRIP TO HHA TANZANIA LIZ NORMANHaving worked behind the scenes with Homeopathy for Health in Africa (HHA) since its inception 10 years ago I was finally fortunate...
Happy Birthday Dr.Samuel Hahnemann Samuel Hahnemann was a German physician who founded the system of alternative medicine called homeopathy. A qualified medical doctor, he...